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Recording of music for “Jack Strong”
The Polish National Radio Symphony Orchestra conducted by Szymon Bywalec worked in ALVERNIA STUDIOS on the recording of music for “Jack Strong”, directed by Władysław Pasikowski. Sebastian Witkowski and Piotr Witkowski (Head of Sound Department in ALVERNIA STUDIOS) were responsible for the recording.
fot. Izabela Lechowicz
The author of the music to the film is Jan Duszyński. “I wanted to create music that would sparkle with many colors. From dark atmosphere, thick, packed sounds to broad, panoramic and monumental ones. Each topic of the film has its motif, but the center is the one of the eponymous hero – Jack Strong. Half lyrical and half heroic. Climbing up and falling down, just like the tragedy of the protagonist,” comments the composer.
“Jack Strong” is a spy thriller telling the extraordinary story of colonel Kukliński’s life. Leading roles in the movie are played by Marcin Dorociński and Maja Ostaszewska and they are accompanied by a pleiad of excellent Polish, Russian and American actors.
The premiere of the film is planned for 7th February 2014.