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Intensive work is going on the set of DISCOPOLO, a new feature film, directed by Maciej Bochniak. It’s a story about a cultural and sociological phenomenon which has captured the hearts of millions of Poles. The film’s leading characters include some of the most talented Polish actors of the new generation: Dawid Ogrodnik, Piotr Głowacki and Joanna Kulig. DISCOPOLO is the most recent production of ALVERNIA STUDIOS.
DISCOPOLO is a dynamic, Tarantinoesquely ironic account of two, young, talented musicians who get to the top of the lists with bravado. It’s also the story of the collective state of mind that was very much part of the early free-market reality in Poland, at the time when everything seemed possible.
Dawid Ogrodnik (“Chce się żyć”, “Jestem bogiem”) and Piotr Głowacki (“Dziewczyna z szafy”) perform the parts of young musicians, inspired by their dreams of fame and daring bravado, decide to start a discopolo band. Joanna Kulig (“Sponsoring”) perform the part of an ethereal discopolo star. They are accompanied by Tomasz Kot, Jacek Koman, Iwona Bielska and Janusz Chabior. Supporting roles include contemporary discopolo stars: Tomasz Niecik, Robert Klatt from “Classic” and Radosław Liszewski, the lead singer of “Weekend”.
The film is directed by Maciek Bochniak, the author of the famous feature documentary “Miliard szczęśliwych ludzi” [Eng. A billion happy people], about the Chinese adventure of Bayer Full [name of a discopolo band].
The screenplay for DISCOPOLO was co-written by Bochniak and Mateusz Kościukiewicz, also making his debut as a screenwriter.
“DISCOPOLO fundamentally represents cross-genre cinema, combining comedy, romance, thriller and road movie. The film weaves together a sense of nimbleness, an ample dose of irony and warmth to tell the story of a group of young people who follow their dreams of a better life, pursue passion and love. The story can be interpreted in many ways and at many different levels: sociological, historical, in pure feature-film sense or as music and entertainment.
One of the film’s strong characteristics is its visual layer. It is both for the discopolo subculture lovers and those who “don’t buy” into this culture. But also those who look back to the 90s with sentiment, who want a sense of freshness in the Polish cinema, or, quite simply, an absorbing plot and good entertainment with some kind of hidden agenda, says the director.
The film is produced by Stanisław Tyczyński, the chairman and the owner of ALVERNIA STUDIOS. The last clap on the film set is expected towards the end of September, in Warsaw. The premiere is scheduled for 2015.