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Additional postproduction unit available in ALVERNIA STUDIOS production house in Warsaw
A postproduction unit dedicated to servicing small forms, including commercial projects, has been available in the ALVERNIA STUDIOS production house since July 1st. The capability of the Warsaw office includes offline and online film editing.
The ALVERNIA STUDIOS Team in Warsaw was joined by Łukasz Omasta as Online Graphic Designer/Artist and Natalia Małkiewicz as Postproduction Manager. Welcome aboard!
“We’ve decided to diversify the capabilities of ALVERNIA STUDIOS production house with offline and online film editing units available in Warsaw. I’m sure that the solutions we offer, based on the cooperation between the Warsaw branch and equipment and personnel available in the headquarters, will enable efficient and effective execution of projects for clients from Warsaw,” says Jakub Chilczuk, Head of Postproduction in ALVERNIA STUDIOS.