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Możdżer records at Alvernia Studios once again

The recording of music to “Wszystkie kobiety Mateusza” (All Matthew’s Women) directed by Artur “Baron” Więcek has just finished at Alvernia Studios. The author of the soundtrack is Leszek Możdżer.
“Arbitrage” well-received at Sundance

“Arbitrage”, a co-produced by Alvernia Studios thriller with Richard Gere in the leading role, gets positive reviews after its premiere at Sundance Festival.
Penderecki & Greenwood album to be released in March

An album of works by Polish composer and conductor Krzysztof Penderecki and composer and Radiohead guitarist Jonny Greenwood, which was recorded at our studio, will be released in March.
The shooting for “Obława” ends

The shooting of the war thriller by Marcin Krzyształowicz “Obława” (The Raid) has ended. Alvernia Studios provided the equipment and the crew.